We are super excited to announce that The Wool Shoppe has partnered up with The Neave Collection and will be fulfilling all of the Stylecraft kits sold on theneavecollection.com.
Debbie from The Neave Collection is just about to launch a brand new CAL, Ebb & Flow (https://theneavecollection.com/subscription-patte…/ebb-flow/).
Sign up, or purchase the pattern to participate, and if you’re unsure about which colours to use, she sells the kits for it too (https://theneavecollection.com/online-store/).
The Neave Collection offers a value for money subscription over a 6 or 12 month period (https://theneavecollection.com/subscribe-patterns), which will give you access to all of the pattern’s Debbie has designed.
All products on the website can now be purchased in ZAR, USD, GBP and EU so there’s no excuse not to make that purchase today!